The 35. International Competition of Early Music, Yamanashi
26. – 28. April, 2024 (Keyboard, Ensemble)
26. April, 2024 (Friday)
・Competition (Preliminary Round)
Venue: Kofu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
2-2-12, Aioi, Kofu-City, Room No.201
ca. 14:00 – ca. 19:00 (gratis)
・Concert (1,000 Yen) 19:30- 20:30
by Maruyama, Sho (V) + Nakamura, Jin (Vc) + Fukuma, Aya (Cem)
・Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni (1671 – 1751)
Trattenimenti Armonici Op.6- 6 in a
・Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
from Suite a Violoncello Solo senza Basso 1 in G, Prelude
・Giuseppe Maria Clemente Dall’Abaco (1710 – 1805)
Capricci a Violoncello Solo No. 2, 10, 11
・Jean-Baptiste Barrière (1707 – 1747)
Sonate pour le Violoncelle avec la Basse Continue No.5 in F
・ Francesco Maria Veracini (1690 – 1768)
Sonata a Violino Solo e Basso Op.1 -1 in g
27. April, 2024(Saturday)
・CompetitionPreliminary Round)
Venue: Kofu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
2-2-12, Aioi, Kofu-City, Room No.201
ca. 10:30 – ca. 20:00 (gratis)
・Concert (1,000 Yen) 20:30-21:30
by Nishi, Yumani (S) + Maruyama, Sho (V) + Ooi, Eriko (Fl) +
Fukuma, Aya (Cem)
H.Purcell(1659-1695):Music for a while
G.B.Fontana(1589-1630):Sonata 3
T.Merula(1595-1665):Folle è ben che si crede
F.Couperin(1668-1733):Concerts royaux 1,2,3 Movements
H.D’Ambruis(? – ?):Après les maux que j’ay soufferts
Jean-Baptiste de Bousset(1662-1725):Pourquoy doux rossignols
F.Couperin(1668-1733):Concerts royaux: 5,6,7 Movements
Julie Pinel(fl.1710-1737):Le Printemps
T.Arne(1710-1778):Where the bee sucks
28. April, 2024 (Sunday)
・Competition (Final Round)
Venue: Hall of the Prefectual Library, Yamanashi Prefecture
(2-8-1 Kitaguchi, Kofu-City ) 11:00-16:00(gratis)
・Concert by Sakurai, Aiko (S) + Ooi, Eriko (Fl) + Nakamura, Jin (Vc) +
Fukuma, Aya (Cem) ca.17:00-18:00
・Antonio Vivaldi(1678-1741)
from Cantata 《All‘ombra di sospetto》(RV 687)
Recitativo: All‘ombra di sospetto – Aria: Avvezzo non è il core
・Carlo Tessarini(1690-1766):No 9.delle 12 Sonate per flauto
Traversie e basso continuo
・Heinrich Schütz(1585-1672):Eile mich Gott zu erretten(SWV 282)
・Johann Sebastian Bach(1685-1750):
Mein Jesu! was vor Seelenweh (BWV 487)
from Cantata《Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten》(BWV202)
Rezitativ:Die Welt wird wieder neu –
Arie:Phoebus eilt mit schnellen Pferden
from Cantata 《Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen》(BWV51)
Rezitativ:Wir beten zu dem Tempel an –
Arie:Höchster, mache deine Güte
・Johann Philipp Kirnberger(1721-1783):Sonate in G
・Johann Adolf Hasse(1699-1783)
from Cantata《Quel vago seno》(H 62)
Recitativo: Quel vago seno – Aria:Nel verde é dolce Aprile
・Commendation ca.18:00
Venue: Hall of the Prefectual Library, Yamanashi Prefecture
(2-8-1 Kitaguchi, Kofu-City )
The 34. International competition of Early Music, Yamanashi
28. April , 2023
・Competition (Preliminary Round)
Venue:Kofu Chamber of Commcerce and Industry,
2-2-12, Aioi, Kofu-City, Room No.201
14:00- 19:00 (gratis)
・Concert by Nakayama, Yuhna(cembalo) + Araki, Yuhko(violin)
Venue:Cotton Club (4-3-20 Chuo, Kofu-City)
M.Weckmann: Toccata in e
J.J.Froberger: Suite no.27 in e
G.Boehm: Prelude, Fugue and Postlude in g
J.S.Bach: Sonata for violin and harpsichord in E
29.April, 2023
・Competition (Preliminary Round)
Venue:Kofu Chamber of Commcerce and Industry ,
2-2-12, Aioi, Kofu-City, Room No.201
・Cembalo Recital by Yu Nakamura
Venue:Cotton Club (4-3-20 Chuo, Kofu-City)
Anonimous: Upon la-mi-re
G.Frescobaldi: Toccata Nona
C.Luython: Ricercare
B.Foccroulle: Musique-Mutation (Premiere in Japan)
J.Ph.Rameau: Nouvelles suites de pieces de clavicin no.1
(Allemande-Courante-Sarabande-Les trois Mains-
Fanfarinette-La Triomphante-Gavotte et Doubles)
B.Foccroulle: Tombeau pour ceus qui n’en ont pas(Premiere)
30.April, 2023
・Competition (Final Round)
Venue: Hall of the Prefectual Library, Yamanashi Prefecture
(2-8-1 Kitaguchi, Kofu-City )
・Fortepiano Recital by Miki Katoh
Venue: Hall of the Prefectual Library, Yamanashi Prefecture
(2-8-1 Kitaguchi, Kofu-City )
M.Clementi: from 《Musical Charactrics》op.19
Prelude alla Clementi, Haydn
F.J.Haydn: Claviersonata in C (Hob. XVI 35)
M.Clementi: Claviersonata in H (op.24-2)
W.A.Mozart: Variations in E on the French song “La belle Francoise”
M.Clementi: Claviersonata in g (op.7-3)
・ Commendation
Venue: Hall of the Prefectual Library, Yamanashi Prefecture
(2-8-1 Kitaguchi, Kofu-City )
Early Music Festival, Yamanashi (Because of worldwide spread of Coronavirus, the committee has decided to postpone the festival with international competition of Early Music in one year, 2020. We hope to see you at about the same time 2021.) → stopped to take place in 2021. We hope to hear and see you perhaps in 2022 spring → Only the competition and concerts are taken place in the suburbs of Tokyo.
29. April(Friday) – 1 (Sunday) May 2022 in Kofu-City, Yamanashi Prefecture ( issued at the end of October, 2021)
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho No.201 (Kofu Chamber of Commcerce and Industry) (2-2-12, Aioi, Kofu-City): Cotton Club (4-3-20 Chuo, Kofu-City): Sakuraza Theater (1-1-7 Chuo, Kofu-City): Hall of the Prefectual Library, Yamanashi Prefecture(2-8-1 Kitaguchi, Kofu-City )
29. April 2022 (Friday)
* The 33rd International Competition of Early Music, YAMANASHI ca.14:00- ca.19:00 (Gratis)
Category: 1)Keyboard 2)Ensemble
Juries: ARIMURA, Yuske UEO, Naoki, OHTAKE, Naoyuki,
FUKUSHIMA, Yasuhari, Lorenzo Ghielmi, MURAKAMI, Akemi
Preliminary Round
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho, Room No.201 (2nd floor)
Exhibition ca. 14:00- ca.20:00 (Gratis) → Cancelled
Keyboard Instruments, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc.
Venue: Sakuraza Theater etc.
Concert ca. 19:30- ca. 20:30
NATSUYAMA, Mikae (Sop.) + SATOH, Akiko (Lute)
“Air de Cour”
Venue: Cotton Club
Charge: 1,000 Yen
30. April 2022 (Saturday)Exhibition ca.10:00- ca.20:00 (Gratis) → Cancelled
Keyboard Instruments, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc.
Venue: Sakuraza Theater etc.
The 33rd International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI (Gratis) 10:00- ca.20:00
Juries: ARIMURA,Yuske UEO, Naoki, OHTAKE, Naoyuki FUKUSHIMA, Yasuhari, Lorenzo Ghielmi, MURAKAMI, Akemi
Preliminary Round
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho, Room No.201 (2nd floor)
Concert by the Prize Winner of the 32nd International
Competition, Yamanashi 20:30- 21:30
INOUE, Rei (Recorder) + NAKAGAWA, Gaku(Cembalo)
・Jacob van Eyck: Psalm 9 (from “Der Fluyten Lust-hof”)
・Orlando di Lasso / Anon.: Susanne un jour (from Susanna van Soldt MS)
・Anon.: La Princesse (from “Clavierboek Anna Maria van Eyl”)
・Nicolaus à Kempis: Symphonia sexta & nona (from “Symphoniae unius, duarum, et trium violinorum”)
・Pietro Antonio Fiocco: Recorder Sonata No. 18 in C major (from Charles Babel MS)
・Andreas Parcham: Recorder Sonata in G major (from “Airs Anglois, livre second”)
・Sybrandus van Noordt: Recorder Sonata No. 1 in F major, Op. 1
・Carl Rosier: Recorder Sonata No. 12 in G major (from Charles Babel
Venue: Cotton Club
Charge: 1,000 Yen
1. May 2022 (Sunday) Exhibition 9:30- ca.17:00 → Cancelled
Keyboard Instruments, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc.
The 33rd International Competition for Early Music, Yamanashi (Gratis) 11:00- 16:00
Category: 1)Keyboard Instrument
Juries: ARIMURA,Yuske UEO, Naoki, OHTAKE,Naoyuki,
FUKUSHIMA, Yasuharu, Lorenzo Ghielmi, MURAKAMI, Akemi
Final Round
Venue: Hall in the Prefectural Library, Yamanashi
Concert by the Winner of the 32nd International Competition, Yamanashi ca. 17:00 -ca. 18:00 (Gratis)
DEGUCHI, Minori (Violin) + SHIMANE, Tomofumi +
J-F. Rebel : Sonate IX pour violon « La Fidelle » (1712)J.B. de Boismortier : Sonate en trio I en Sol majeur (1732)L-G. Guillemain : Sonate III, Troisième livre de sonates à violon seul, Op.11 (1742)M. Marais : Sonnerie de St Genevière du mont de Paris (1723)J-M. Leclair : Sonate IV, Troisième livre de sonates à violon seul, Op.5
Commendation ca. 18:00
Venue: Hall of Prefectual Library
Early Music Festival, Yamanashi, 201926(Friday) – 28 (Sunday) April in Kofu-City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho No.201 (Kofu Chamber of Commcerce and Industry) (2-2-12, Aioi, Kofu-City)
: Cotton Club (4-3-20 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: Sakuraza Theater (1-1-7 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: Ginza Machi no Eki (4-3-14 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: Hall of the Prefectual Library, Yamanashi Prefecture
(2-8-1 Kitaguchi, Kofu-City)
: Fujimura Memorial (2-2-1, Kitaguchi, Kofu)
: Yocchabare Square in front of Railway Station, Kofu
26. April 2019 (Friday)
* The 32nd International Competition of Early Music, YAMANASHI ca.14:00- ca.19:00 (Gratis)
Category: 1)Solo Vocal 2)Baroque Era Melodic Instrument
Juries: ARIMURA, Yuske OHTAKE, Naoyuki, Roberta Invernizzi
OZAKI, Atsuko NONOSHITA, Yukari SUMIYA, Tomoki
Preliminary Round
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho, Room No.201 (2nd floor)
* Exhibition ca. 14:00- ca.20:00 (Gratis)
Melodic Instruments, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc.
Venue: Sakuraza Theater, Ginza Machi no Eki etc.
*Concert ca. 19:30- ca. 20:30
Vox Poetica(SATO, Yukie Soprano + TAKII, Leonardo Theorbo)
Venue: Cotton Club(max. 75 audience)
Charge: 1,000 Yen for a drink
27. April 2019 (Saturday)* Exhibition ca.10:00- ca.20:00 (Gratis)
Melodic Instruments, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc.
Venue: Sakuraza Theater, Ginza Machi no Eki etc.
* The 32nd International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI (Gratis) 10:00- ca.20:00
Juries: ARIMURA,Yuske OHTAKE, Naoyuki Roberta Invernizzi
OZAKI, Atsuko NONOSHITA, Yukari SUMIYA, Tomoki
Preliminary Round
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho, Room No.201 (2nd floor)
* Concert by the Prize Winner of the 31st International Competition, Yamanashi 20:30- 21:30
KARAKAWA, Taichi (cembalo) + SHIMANE, Tomofumi(gamba)
Venue: Cotton Club (max. 75 audience)
Charge: 1,000 Yen for a drink
28. April 2019 (Sunday)* Exhibition and Demonstration 9:30- ca.17:00 (Demonstration 9:30-10:30 Gratis)
Melodic Instruments, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc.
Venue: Fujimura Memorial
* The 32nd International Competition for Early Music, Yamanashi (Gratis) 11:00- 16:00
Category: 1)Solo Vocal
2)Baroque Era Melodic Instruments
Juries: ARIMURA,Yuske OHTAKE,Naoyuki, Roberta Invernizzi
OZAKI, Atsuko NONOSHITA, Yukari SUMIYA, Tomoki
Final Round
Venue: Hall in the Prefectural Library, Yamanashi
* Concert by the Winner of the 31nd International Competition, Yamanashi ca. 17:00 -ca. 18:00 (Gratis)
KOUMOTO, Shotaro (Cembalo) + LMC (MARUYAMA, Sho SHIMANE, Tomofumi etc)
* Commendation ca. 18:00 (free for all people)
Venue: Hall of Prefectual Library
* Farewell Party 18:30 – ca.20:30 (free for all people)
Venue: Yoccabare Square in front of the Railway Station
Early Music Festival, Yamanashi, 201828(Saturday) – 30 (Monday) April in Kofu-City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho No.201 (Kofu Chamber of Commcerce and Industry) (2-2-12, Aioi, Kofu-City)
: Cotton Club (4-3-20 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: Sakuraza Theater (1-1-7 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: Ginza Machi no Eki (4-3-14 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: Hall of the Prefectual Library, Yamanashi Prefecture
(2-8-1 Kitaguchi, Kofu-City)
: Yocchabare Square in front of Railway Station, Kofu
28. April 2018 (Saturday)
* The 31st International Competition of Early Music, YAMANASHI ca.14:00- ca.20:00 (Gratis)
Category: 1)Keyboard (Harpsichord or Fortepiano)
2)Ensemble(2-5 singers, players or mixed)
Juries: ARIMURA,Yuske IMAI,Naoko OGAWA,Kae OHTAKE,Naoyuki, OHTSUKA, Naoya Robert Hill
Preliminary Round
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho, Room No.201 (2nd floor)
* Exhibition ca. 14:00- ca.20:00 (Gratis)
Keyboard, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc.
Venue: Sakuraza Theater, Ginza Machi no Eki
29. April 2018 (Sunday・Holyday)* Demonstration of Pianoforte by Anton Schwardring
(ca.1835, Prag) 10:00-10:45 (Gratis)
Ms.Kae Ogawa with Denhaag Pianoquintet(Miki TAKAHASI, Sonoko ASABUKI, Toru YAMAMOTO, Tomoki SUMIYA)
Venue: Cotton Club
J.L.Dussek(1760-1812):1st Movement of Piano Quintet op.41(1799)
J.N.Hummel: 3rd and 4th Movements of Piano Quintet op.87(1802)
F.Schubert (1797-1828): Piano Quintet “Forelle” op.114(1819)
* Exhibition ca.10:00- ca.20:00 (Gratis)
Keyboard, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc.
Venue: Sakuraza Theater, Ginza Machi no Eki
* The 31st International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI (Gratis) 11:00- ca.20:00 → 11:30 – ca. 20:00
Category: 1)Keyboard (Harpsichord or Fortepiano)
2)Ensemble(2-5 singers, players or mixed)
Juries: ARIMURA,Yuske IMAI,Naoko OGAWA,Kae OHTAKE,Naoyuki, OHTSUKA,Naoya Robert Hill
Preliminary Round
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho, Room No.201 (2nd floor)
* Concert by the Prize Winner of the 30th International Competition, Yamanashi 20:30- 21:30
Rieko IKEDA (Violin) + Minaho TANAKA (Cembalo) +
Toru YAMAMOTO (Cello)
Venue: Cotton Club (max. 75 audience)
Charge: 1,000 Yen for a drink
J.H.Schmelzer (1620?- 1680): Ciaccona
J.S.Bach (1685-1750): Ciaccona (BWV 1004)
J.- M.Leclair (1697-1764): Violin Sonata op.5-4
F.M.Veracini (1690-1768): Sonata Accademiche op.2-12
30. April 2018 (Monday・ Holyday)* Exhibition and Demonstration 9:30- ca.12:00 (Gratis)
Keyboard, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc.
Venue: Sakuraza Theater, Ginza Machi no Eki
* The 31st International Competition for Early Music, Yamanashi (Gratis) 11:00- 16:00
Category: 1)Keyboard (Harpsichord or Fortepiano)
2)Ensemble(2-5 singers, players or mixed)
Juries: ARIMURA,Yuske IMAI,Naoko OGAWA,Kae OHTAKE,Naoyuki, OHTSUKA,Naoya Robert Hill
Final Round
Venue: Hall in the Prefectural Library, Yamanashi
* Concert by thte first Prize Winner of the 30th International Competition, Yamanashi ca. 17:00 -ca. 18:00 (Gratis)
Youngjin Hur (recorder) +Minaho TANAKA (Cembalo) + Miki
A.Vivaldi(1678-1741): Concerto per Flautino in C
N.Matteis(ca.1650-1714): Diverse bizzarie sopra Sarabanda
A.Corelli (1653-1713): Sonata no.10 op.5-10
Giorgio Tedde (1958- ): Austro (1991)
Fausto Romitelli (1963-2004): Seascape (1994)
A.Vivaldi (1678-1741) : La Follia op.1-12
A.Vivaldi (1678-1741) : Concerto in F op.10-1
Venue: Hall of Prefectural Library
* Commendation ca. 18:00 (free for all people)
Venue: Hall of Prefectual Library
* Farewell Party 18:30 – ca.20:30 (free for all people)
Venue: Yoccabare Square in front of the Railway Station
Early Music Festival, Yamanashi, 201728 – 30 April in Kofu-City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho (Kofu Chamber of Commcerce and Industry) (2-2-12, Aioi, Kofu-City)
: Cotton Club (4-3-20 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: Sakuraza Theater (1-1-7 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: Hall and room 103, 104 in the Prefectural Library, Yamanashi Prefecture (2-8-1 Kitaguchi, Kofu-City)
: FUJIMURA Memorial(2-2-1 Kitaguchi, Kofu-City)
: Yocchabare Square by FUJIMURA Memorial(in front of Railway Station)
28.April 2017 (friday)
* The 30th International Competition of Early Music, YAMANASHI ca.14:00- ca.20:00 (Gratis)
1) Category: Solo Vocal 2) Baroque Era Melodic Instrument
(Juries: ARIMURA,Yuske OHTAKE,Naoyuki, Taka Kitazato,
Rufus Müller, YAMAMOTO,Toru)
Preliminary Round
Performance of Oboe Band with 9 Oboe players and 3 Basson players
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho, Room No.201 (2nd floor)
* Exhibition ca. 14:00- ca.20:00 (Gratis)
Keyboard, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc.
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaisho Sakuraza Theater
*Concert by the Prize Winner of the 29 International Competition of Early Music, Yamanashi
YAMADA,Io ( Modern and 19th Guitar) + KOBAYASHI, Honoka (Cembalo, Fortepiano)
Luigi Legnani / Caprice No.1 (from 36 Capricci)
J.S.Bach /Chaccona from BWV1004
M.Giuliani / Primo Concerto in A major Op.30.
M.M.Ponce / Sonata for Guitar and Harpsichord
Venue: Cotton Club (max. 75 audience)
Charge: 1,000 Yen for a drink
29. April 2017 (Saturday・Holyday)
* The 30th International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI
(Juries:ARIMURA,Yuske OHTAKE,Naoyuki, Taka Kitazato,
Rufus Müller, YAMAMOTO, Toru)
1) Category: Solo Vocal 2) Category: Baroque Era Melodic Instrument
Preliminary Round ca.10:00- ca.20:00 (gratis)
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho Room No.201 (2nd floor)
* Exhibition of Instruments, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc. (gratis)
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho Sakuraza Theater ca.10:00- ca. 20:00
* Concert by the Prize Winner of the 29th International Competition of Early Music, Yamanashi 20:30- 21:30
Artem Belogurov (Fortepiano) + Yoko EITANI (classical Basson) Venue: Cotton Club (max. 75 audience)
Charge: 1,000 Yen for a drink
・W. A. Mozart (1756-1791):
Sonate in B Major, K. 292(196c) for bassoon and cello
Allegro – Andante – Rondo: Allegro
・ W. A. Mozart (1756-1791):
Sonata in B flat Major, K. 333
Allegro-Andante Cantabile-Allegro grazioso
・ J.C. Bach (1735-1782):
Sonata in A Major, Op. 17
・ Francois Devienne (1759-1803):
Sonata in e moll
Allegro con agitato e grazioso -Largo -
Allegro ma non troppo
・ F.J. Haydn (1732 – 1809):
Fantasia in C, Hob. XVII:4
30. April 2017 (Sunday)
*Exhibition of Instruments, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc. 9:30- ca.17:00 (gratis)
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho Sakuraza Theater Room 103, 104 in Prefectural Library, YAMANASHI
* Demonstration of Instruments 9:45-10:45 (gratis)
Venue: Sakuraza Theater
* Concert by the Prize Winner of the 29th International Competition of Early Music , Yamanashi 11:00-12:00 (gratis)
Anastasia Antonova (cembalo) + Anna Kiskachi(cembalo)
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho Room No.201 (max.120 audience)
J.-B. Lully (1632-1687) – J.H. D’Anglebert (1629-1691) Passacaglia on a Theme from the Opera «Armide»
1. Royer (1705-1755)
«La Marche des Scythes» «Vertigo» «Tambourin»
1. Haendel (1685-1759) «Lascia Chio pianga».
2. Boccherini. (1743-1805) Fandango.
1. Morley (1558-1602) Pavane and Galliard «Flow my tears»
2. Dvořák (1841-1904) Slavonic dance, c-moll, ор.46,
«Skocna» Slavonic dance No.7, C-dur, ор.72, «Kolo»
1. Froberger (1616-1667) Tombeau fait à Paris sur la mort de
Monsieur Blancrocher
2. Ligeti (1923-2006) «Passacaglia ungherese»
* The 30th International Competition for Early Music, Yamanashi
Final Round: 1) Solo Vocal,2)Baroque Era Melodical Instrument 14:00- ca.17:00 (gratis)
Venue: Hall in the Prefectural Library, Yamanashi
* Commendation ca.18:00 (free for all people)
Performance of Oboe Band with 9 Oboe players and 3 Basson players
Venue: Hall of Prefectural Library
* Farewell Party 18:30- ca. 20:30 (free for all people)
Venue: Yocchabare Square in front of the Railway Station
Early Music Festival, Yamanashi, 2016
29, 30 April and 1 May in Kofu-City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Kofu-Shokokaigisho (Kofu Chamber of Commcerce and Industry) (2-2-12, Aioi, Kofu-City)
: Cotton Club (4-3-20 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: Sakuraza Theater (1-1-7 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: Ginza Machi no Eki (4-3-14 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: Hall in the Prefectual Library, Yamanashi Prefecture (2-8-1 Kitaguchi, Kofu-City)
: Yocchabare Square by FUJIMURA Memorial(in front of Railway Station)
29. April 2016 (Friday・Holyday)
* The 29th International Competition of Early Music, YAMANASHI 16:00- ca.19:00 (Gratis)
1) Category: Keyboard (Juries: ARIMURA,Yuske OHTAKE, Naoyuki, Martin Gester, Aline Zylberajch, Toshiyuki Yamana)
Preliminary Round
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho, Room No.201 (2nd floor)
* Exhibition ca. 13:00- ca.20:00 (Gratis)
Keyboard, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc.
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaisho Sakuraza Theater Ginza Machi no Eki
* Demonstration of Keyboard 15:15-15:45 Venue: Ginza Machi no Eki
* Concert by Michele Benuzzi(Cembalo)(Prizewinner of the 17 International Competition of Early Music, Yamanashi) +
KIKUCHI, Kanae (Flute) The end of Baroque Music
Venue: Cotton Club (max. 75 audience)
Charge: 1,000 Yen for a drink
C.Ph.E.Bach(1714-1788): Sonata in a moll (Wq 49/6)C.Ph.E.Bach(1714-1788): Sonata in d dur (Wq 83)
V.Karaulov(XVIII sec.): Variations in c moll on a Russian song
J.F.Kleinknecht(1722-1794): Sonata in d dur
W.F.Bach(1710-1784): Fantasia in d moll (Falck 19)
30. April 2016 (Saturday) (Gratis)
* The 29th International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI (Gratis)
(Juries:ARIMURA,Yuske OHTAKE,Naoyuki, Martin Gester, Aline Zylberajch, YAMANA,Toshiyuki)
1) Category: Keyboard 2) Category: Ensemble in this order
Preliminary Round 10:00- ca.19:00,
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho Room No.201 (2nd floor)
* Exhibition of Instruments, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc. (gratis)
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho Sakuraza Theater Ginza Machi no Eki 10:00- ca. 20:00
* Demonstration of Keyboard 19:45-20:15
Venue: Sakuraza Theater
* Concert by Prize Winners of the 28th International Competition, Yamanashi 20:30- 21:30
OGATA, Maki (Soprano), NOGUCHI, Maya (Flute), MIYAZAKI, Momoko (Violin) + NOZAWA, Tomoko (Cembalo)
Venue: Cotton Club (max. 75 audience)
Charge: 1,000 Yen for a drink
- Jean-Marie Leclair(1697-1764):Sonata in e minor(Op.9-2)
- J.S.Bach(1685-1750):Sonate für Violine und Basso continuo in e-moll( BWV 1023)
- G.F.Händel(1685-1759):Tornami a vagheggiar; Ama sospirafrom <Alcina> (HWV 34)
- C.P.E.Bach(1714-1788):Trio Sonata in G-dur (Wq.150)
- G.F.Händel(1685-1759):Flammende Rose, Zierde der Erden (HWV 210) from<9 German Arias>
- G.F.Händel(1685-1759): Scherza in mar la navicella from <Lotario> (HWV 26)
1. May 2015 (Sunday) (Gratis)
* Exhibition of Instruments, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc. 9:30- ca.16:00
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho Sakuraza Theater Ginza Machi no Eki Yocchabare Square
* Demonstration of Keyboard 10:15-10:45
Venue: Sakuraza Theater
* Concert by the First Prize Winner of the 28th International Competition, Yamanashi (Gratis) 11:00-12:00
Masters of the 15th Century
Sato Yukie (Soprano) + FUKUSHIMA, Yasuharu(Tenor) + SUGANUMA Kiichi (Recorder) + KOSAKA, Rie (Harpe) +
UEDA Misako (Fiddle)
1)Praeambulum super sol (from Buxheimer Orgelbuch)
2)G.Dufay(ca.1400-1474):Suprem est mortalibus bonum
3)G.Binchois(ca.1400-1460):Triste plaisir
4)G.Dufay:Se la face ay pale
5)J.Dunstable(ca.1390-1453):Ave regina celorum
6)Anon.:Der winter will hin weichen(from Lochamer Gesangbuch)
7)Anon.:Der winter will hin weichen(from Buxheimer Orgelbuch)
8)Matteo da Perugia (fl.1400-1416):Hélas Avril
9)Paolo da Firenze (ca.1355-1436):Era Venus
10)Matteo da Perugia: Gloria
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho Room No.201 (max.120 audience)
* The 29th International Competition for Early Music, Yamanashi (Gratis)
Final Round: Keyboard, Ensemble (in this order) 14:00-ca.17:00
Venue: Hall in the Prefectural Library, Yamanashi
* Commendation ca.18:00 (free for all people)
Venue: Hall of Prefectual Library
* Farewell Party 18:30- ca. 20:30 (free for all people)
Venue: Yocchabare Square in front of the Railway Station
1-3. May. 2015
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho (Kofu Chamber of Commcerce and Industry) (2-2-12, Aioi, Kofu-City)
: Cotton Club (4-3-20 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: Sakuraza Theater (1-1-7 Chuo, Kofu-City)
: FUJIMURA Memorial, Kofu-City (in front of Kofu Station, Northern Exit)
: Hall in the Prefectual Library, Yamanashi Prefecture (2-8-1 Kitaguchi, Kofu-City)
: Yocchabare Square by FUJIMURA Memorial
1. May April 2015 (Friday)
* The 28th International Competition of Early Music, YAMANASHI 14:30- ca.18:00 (Gratis)
1) Category: Baroque Era melodic Instrument (Juries: ARIMURA,Yuske OHTAKE, Naoyuki
Kees Boecke, DOHSAKA, Kiotaka, Jill Feldman Emmanuel Girard)
Preliminary Round
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho, Room No.201 (2nd floor)
* Exhibition ca. 13:00- 19:00 (gratis) String-, Woodwind-, Brass-Instruments etc. Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, CDs Music Goods etc.
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaisho Sakuraza Theater
* Concert by Kees Boecke (Recorder, Viella) + Stefanie True (Sop.) Trecento in Europa 20:30- 21:30
Venue: Cotton Club (max. 75 audience)
Charge: 1,000 Yen for a drink
Guillaume de Machault (ca. 1300 -1377) :
Virelai – Dame mon cuer emport
Ballade – Se je me pleing
Ballade- Dame ne regardes pas
Gherardello da Firenze(c. 1320 – 1362 or 1363) :
Ballata – Donna l’altrui mirar(strumentale)
Jacopo da Bologna (fl. 1350):
Madrigale – Quando veggio
Andreas Horganista de Florentia (? – 1415):
Ballata – Fuggite, Gianni, Bacco..
Anonymous :
Ballade -Dolour me tient
Rondeau – Mon bel ami
Anon. (Matteo da Perugia?):
Virelai – Sans mal penser
Saltarello (strumentale)
Johannes Ciconia(c. 1370 – c. 1412):
Ballata – Merçe o morte
Ballata – Dolçe Fortuna
2. May 2015 (Saturday)
* The 28th International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI (gratis)
(Juries:ARIMURA,Yuske OHTAKE,Naoyuki Kees Boecke DOHSAKA, Kiotaka Jill Feldman Emmanuel Girard
1) Category: Baroque Era Melodic Instrument
Preliminary Round 10:00- ca. 12:00,
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho Room No.201 (2nd floor)
2) Category: Solo Vocal
Preliminary Round 13:00- ca.19:00 Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho Room No.201 (2nd floor)
* Exhibition of Instruments, Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc. (gratis)
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho Sakuraza Theater 10:00- ca. 19:00
* Fortepiano Concert by Prize Winner
of the 27th International Competition, Yamanashi 20:30- 21:30
Mainly Ludwig van Beethoven
KAWAGUCHI, Naruhiko (Fortepiano)
+ Anton Baba (Classical Cello)
Venue: Cotton Club (max. 75 audience)
Charge: 1,000 Yen for a drink
1)Muzio Clementi(1752-1832): Preludio alla Haydn Op.19
2)L.van Beethoven(1770-1827): 7 Variations on “Bei Maennern, welche Liebe fuehlen”WoO 46
3)Manuel Blasco de nebra(1750-1784): Sonata para clave y fuerte-piano Op.1-1
4) Jan Ladislov Dussek(1760-1812): Variations on Roslin Castle
5) J.van Beethoven(1770-1827):Cello Sonata No.1 Op.5-1
3. May 2015 (Sunday・Holyday)
* Exhibition and Demonstration of Instruments Scores, Books, CDs, Magazines, Music Goods etc. 9:00- ca.19:00
9:00-10:30 Demonstration Sakuraza Theater
9:00- 12:00 Exhibition Kofu-Shokokaigisho Sakuraza Theater 13:00 – 19:00 Exhibition FUJIMURA Memorial
13:00-19:00 Exhitbion Prefectual Library 102, 104 Room
* Cembalo Concert by the First Prize Winner of the 27th International Competition, Yamanashi (gratis)
French and Italian Baroque Music
NAKAGAWA, Gaku (Cembalo) + Stefanie True (Sop.) + Anton Baba (Baroque Cello)
1. Purcell: Sweeter than Roses (3min)
2. Fr. Couperin: Prelude in A-major (3min) *
3. Montéclair: Cantata “la Badine” (10min)
4. Pierre Février: Le Concert des Dieux en Rondeau (5min) *
5. Lully (arr. by d’Anglebert): Passacaille d’Armide (5min) *
6. d’Anglebert: Tombeau de Mr. de Chambonnières (7 min) *
7. Handel: Aria “Per te lasciai la luce”(from HWV99) (7min)
8. D.Scarlatti: Sonatas in f-minor K.69 and K.50 (6min) *
9. Handel: “Sans y Penser” HWV155 (10min)
(* Cembalo Solo)
Venue: Kofu-Shokokaigisho Room No.201 (max.120 audience)
* The 28th International Competition for Early Music, Yamanashi (gratis)
Final Round: Melodic Instrument, Solo Vocal (in this order) 14:30- ca.18:00
Venue: Hall in the Prefectural Library, Yamanashi
* Commendation ca.18:30 (free for all people)
Venue: Hall of Prefectual Library
* Farewell Party 19:00- ca. 20:30 (free for all people)
Venue: Yocchabare Square by FUJIMURA Memorial
* Festival’s Café will be opened in the Entrance Space of Sakuraza Theater and Koufu-Shokokigisho Exhibition Hall