25 – 27. April, 2025

1) Venue: Shoko Kaigisho Hall, Sakuraza Theater etc. Kofu-City
2)  CDs, Scores, Books, Magazines, etc.
3) Every Participant of the Exhibition may use the Place  (costfree).
4) Who has the Intention to participate in the Exhibition  and has Questions etc. please contact with the Chairperson of the Committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax or E-Mail by the 5.April 2025

Oguchidori 137-5, Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel/Fax (81) 45-421-0502, E-Mail eterna@arakawa

Universal shows and buys you CDs in Shokokaigisho on 25, 26. April and in St. Gregorian House, Tokyo on 28. 29. April.


26 – 28. April, 2024

1) Venue: Shoko Kaigisho Hall, Sakuraza Theater etc. Kofu-City
2)  CDs, Scores, Books, Magazines, etc.
3) Every Participant of the Exhibition may use the Place  (costfree).
4) Who has the Intention to participate in the Exhibition  and has Questions etc. please contact with the Chairperson of the Committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax or E-Mail by the 6.April 2024

Oguchidori 137-5, Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel/Fax (81) 45-421-0502, E-Mail eterna@arakawa

Universal shows and buys you CDs in Shokokaigisho on 26, 27. April and in St. Gregorian House, Tokyo on 29. 30. April.


28. – 30. April, 2023

1) Venue: Shoko Kaigisho Hall, Sakuraza Theater etc. Kofu-City
2)  CDs, Scores, Books, Magazines, etc.
3) Every Participant of the Exhibition may use the Place  (costfree).
4) Who has the Intention to participate in the Exhibition  and has Questions etc. please contact with the Chairperson of the Committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax or E-Mail by the 8.April 2023

Oguchidori 137-5, Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel/Fax (81) 45-421-0502, E-Mail eterna@arakawa


Exhibition: 29. April  – 1 May, 2022 → cancelled
1) Venue: Shoko Kaigisho Hall, Sakuraza Theater etc. Kofu-City
2)  Keyboard Instruments, CDs, Scores, Books, Magazines, etc.
3) Every Participant of the Exhibition may use the Place  (costfree).
4) Who has the Intention to participate in the Exhibition  and has Questions etc. please contact with the Chairperson of the Committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax or E-Mail by the 9.April 2022

Oguchidori 137-5, Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel/Fax (81) 45-421-0502, E-Mail eterna@nifty.com

Exhibition: 26 – 28 April, 2019

1) Venue: Shoko Kaigisho Hall, Sakuraza Theater etc. Kofu-City
2)  Melodic Instruments, CDs, Scores, Books, Magazines, etc.
3) Every Participant of the Exhibition may use the Place  (costfree).
4) Who has the Intention to participate in the Exhibition  and has Questions etc.please contact with the Chairperson of the Committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax or E-Mail by the 6.April 2019

Oguchidori 137-5, Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel/Fax (81) 45-421-0502, E-Mail eterna@nifty.com

1) AMANO, Haruo   http://woodwind.at.webry.info/Chalumeau, Clarinet in Baroque and Classical era, Basset horn, Oboe in Baroque and Classical Era, Oboe d’amore, Tenor Oboe etc.

2) Entree       Tel    080-5014-3303
Magazine「Entree」, CD  etc.

3) OHTSUKA, Norio(Workshop AMADEUS)   e- mail: fossero@yahoo.co.jpViola da Gamba, Violin

4) Guitarra http://www.guitarra.co.jpCembalo (Italian made by A.Wooderson) used by the competitionCembalo (German made by B.Kennedy) used by the competition

5) SHIMAGUCHI, Takahito (Workshop Cembalo)Cembalo (French) used by the concerts

6) LiLa Workshop(TSUKADA, Akiko)   http://LiLakobo.base.ec/
Cloth Cases for recorders  

7) TOKUNAGA, Ryuji (Recorder Workshop Tokuryudo)e-mail: ryi-tk1034@na.commufa.jpRecorder

8) NAKAGAWA, Takashi (Workshop Woodwind)  http://flute-fruit.net/Flute (Naust model)

9) NOGAMI, Toshiya  (Workshop Keyboard)  http://crystal.fruits.jp/nogami_cembalo/Cembalo(French) used by the competition

10) FUKUNAGA, Hitoshi (Workshop Flute)  e-mail: fuka.1013@yahoo.co.jpFlute 

11) Polak, Simon (Workshop Flute)  http://www.earlyflute.com/

12) MASHIMA, Kiyoto (Workshop Recorder, Flute)http://www2.tbb.t-com.ne.jp/traverso_massi/Flute, Recorder

13) MASUDA, Hohshun e-mail: mskmasud@terra.dti.ne.jpFlageolet

14) Universal http://www.uni-music.net/Imported CD 

15) ZEN-ON Publisher  http://www.zen-on.co.jp/Recorder, Scores, Goods etc. 

Exhibition: 28 – 30 April. 2018
1)Venue: Sakuraza Theater, Ginza Machi no Eki, Cotton Club etc.
2) Keyboard Instruments, CDs, Scores, Books, Magazines, etc.
3) Every Participant of the Exhibition may use the place costfree.
4) Who has the Intention to participate in the Exhibion or has questions etc. please contact with chairperson of the committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax or E-Mail by the 7.April 2018

展示会参加工房・業者およびコンクール,コンサート使用楽器Exhibition  – Instruments provided for the competition and concerts於:銀座街の駅   桜座   Cotton Club
Venue:Ginza Machi-no-Eki, Sakuraza-Theater, Cotton Club

1) アントレ編集部,東京     Entrée, Tokyo   http://www.em-entree.jp/  Tel/Fax 042-378-7603     E-Mail info@em-entree.jp

・古楽専門誌『アントレ』発行 Magazine “Entrée” etc.
於:桜座ホワイエ    Venue: Sakuraza-Theater Foyer

2) ユニバーサル(株),東京     Universal, Tokyo  http://www.uni-music.net/  Tel 03-5980-7884    Fax 03-5980-7885
E-Mail unicorp@2f7.so-net.ne.jp

於:桜座ホワイエ ↹ 商工会議所201室前

3) オワゾリール・ハウス, 大阪, 東京 L’Oiseau-lyre House, Osaka,
Tokyo  http://www.loiseau-lyre.com     Tel 072-633-727(Osaka)
Fax 072-635-2648(Osaka)     Tel 03-3865-1632(Tokyo)
E-Mail  taeioka@loiseau-lyre.com
マーク・デュコルネ日本総代理店 Sole Japanese Agent for the Paris Warkshop Associate of M.Ducornet

・チェンバロ(フレンチ), Cembalo (Hemsch) made by Marc
Ducornet (FF -f3)  8x 8x 4  buff, coupler   A=392/ 415/ 440
コンサート, コンクール応募者練習で使用 used by the concert 29.04.2018

於: 銀座街の駅 → Cotton Club   Venue: Ginza Machi-no-Eki → Cotton Club

・フレッティド・クラヴィコード Fretted Clavichord (C.G.Hubert, Ansbach,1784) made by M.Ducornet (C – d3)
於: 銀座街の駅 ↹ 桜座ホワイエ  Ginza-Machi-no-Eki ↹ Sakuraza-Theater Foyer
・スピネット Spinet (Dulin) 1 x 8   A=392/ 415/ 440
於: 銀座街の駅 ↹ 桜座ホワイエ Ginza-Machi-no-Eki ↹ Sakuraza-Theater Foyer
・フレッティド・クラヴィコード Fretted Clavichord (Hubert)
Kit of the Workshop, Ducournet, made by L’Oiseau-Lyre House
於: 銀座街の駅 ↹桜座ホウイエ Ginza-machi-no-Eki ↹ Sarakuza-Theater Foyer

4) ギタルラ社東京古典楽器センター(株),東京 Casa de la Guitarra, Tokyo  http://www.guitarra.co.jp  
・チェンバロ(ジャーマン)   Cembalo(German) (Mietke,1702/4) made by Bruce Kennedy (FF –f3)  8 x 8 x 4  buff  A=392/ 415/ 440
コンクールで使用 provided for the competition
・チェンバロ(フレンチ) Cembalo(French) made by A.von Nagel
(FF – f3)  8 x 8 x 4   buff   A=392/ 415/ 440
コンクールで使用 provided for the competition

5) 野神俊哉, 山梨    NOGAMI, Toshiya,Yamanashi     http://fruits.jp/~crystal/nogami_cem/index.html

・チェンバロ(フレンチ) Cembalo(French) (GG – e3)
於: 桜座ステージ    Venue: Sakuraza- Theater, Stage
・フォルテピアノ  Fortepiano (A.Walter,1790)
コンクールで使用 provided for the competition

6) 島口孝仁, 埼玉  SHIMAGUCHI,Takahito

・チェンバロ(イタリアン) Cembalo(Italian)
コンクールで使用 provided for the competition

7) ハヤシチェンバロ製作所(林 裕希)、仙台
HAYASHI Cembalo Workshop

・チェンバロ Cembalo(Flemisch) (I.Ruckers, Colmar 1624) made   by Hayashi(2014) (GG – e3)  8 x 8 x 4       A=415/ 440
於: 桜座ステージ    Venue: Sakura-Theater, Stage

8) 山野辺暁彦、東京  YAMANOBE, Akihiko, Tokyo   E-Mail   rpbj64@yahoo.co.jp
・クラヴィコード  Clavichord(Hubert, 1784) made by Yamanobe
(2017) (C- g3)  140 x 36 x 13
於: 桜座ホワイエ  Sakuraza Theater, Foyer
・クラヴィコード  Clavichord (Hubert, 1784) lacquered after
AIZU art made by Yamanobe (2018)  (C – g3) 140 x 36 x 13
於: 桜座ホワイエ      Sakuraza Theater, Foyer
・ヴァージナル Virginal designed by Yamanobe (2016)
146 x 36 x 16
・於: 桜座ホワイエ Sakura Theater, Foyer

Exhibition: 28 – 30 April, 2017

1) Venue: Shoko Kaigisho Hall, Sakuraza Theater etc. Kofu-City
2)  Melodic Instruments, CDs, Scores, Books, Magazines, etc.
3) Every Participant of the Exhibition may use the Place  (costfree).
4) Who has the Intention to participate in the Exhibition  and has Questions etc.please contact with the Chairperson of the Committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax or E-Mail by the 8.April 2017

Oguchidori 137-5, Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel/Fax (81) 45-421-0502, E-Mail eterna@nifty.com

List of participants

Kofu Shoko-Kaigisho, Fujimura Memorial
1) academia music Tokyo  http://www.academia-music.com/
Tel 03-3813-6751  Fax 03-3818-4634
music notes, books goods etc.cas
2) Entrée Tokyo http://www.em-entree.jp E-Mail info@em-entree.jp
magazine Kogaku
3) Lila      http://lilakobo.bas.ec/         E-Mail  akikotsu430@yahoo.co.jp
case of instruments, for example flute, recorder  ocarina etc.
4) Universal Tokyo http://www.uni-music.net. E-Mail unicorp@2f7.so-net.ne.jp

Sakuraza Theater , Yamanashi Prefectual Library room 103, 104

1) Baroque Woodwind Instruments’ Library  http://woodwind.at.webry.info  E-Mail woodwind@mte.biglobe.ne.jp
Baroque Oboe, Classical Oboe, Oboe d’amore,Tenor Oboe, Baroque Clarinet,  Classical Clarinet, Basset Horn etc.

2) T.Fukunaga E-Mail  fuku_1013@yahoo.co.jp

3) K.Hoshika E-Mail hokke0964@docomo.ne.jp

4) K.Mashima  E-Mail  k.fl.massi@tbe.t-com.ne.jp
Flute, Recorder

5) H.Masuda E-Mail    mskmasud@terra.dti.ne.jp

6) T.Nakagawa http://flute-fruit.net/      E-Mail k0gek0ge@yahoo.co.jp
Flute, Recorder,  Mouthpiece etc.

7) Simon Polak  オランダ http://www.earlyflute.com/      simonpolak2@gmail.com

keyboard instruments used for the competition, concerts
1) Giutarra http://www.guitarra.co.jp  German and Italian instrumens for the competition

2) K.Shimaguchi  French for the competition

3) A.Kubota http://www.kubota-cembalo.com     E-Mail  kubosaba@f6.dion.ne.jp    Flemisch and the self desighed cembalo for concerts

4) T.Nogami   http://page.freett.com/cembalo/index2.html     E-Mail    cem.or.p@fruits.ne.jp   Fortepiano for concerts

Exhibition: 29. 30 April -1 May, 2016

1) Venue: Shoko Kaigisho Hall, Sakuraza Theater etc. Kofu-City
2) Keyboard Instruments, CDs, Scores, Books, Magazines, etc.
3) Every Participant of the Exhibition may use the Place and also demonstrate their Instruments (costfree). They may propagate their Workshops and show the Pricelist of their Instruments. The Committee of International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI makes the List of Participants with their Address, so that Visitors can contact them afterwards

4) By the final round, players may select the instruments, under instruments commissioned by the committee and the Demonstration

Instruments provided for the competition and concerts

Venue: Kofu-Shoko-Kaigisho 5 floor, Ginza Machi-no-Eki, Sakuraza-Theater, Yocchabare Square

1) アカデミア・ミュージック(株)、東京      Academia Music, Tokyo  http://www.academia-music.com/
Tel 03-3813-6751    Fax 03-3818-4634
楽譜、音楽関係書、音楽グッズ等取り扱い Scores, Music Books, Music Goods etc.
Venue: Kofu-Shoko-Kaigisho 5 floor  → Yocchabare Square (1. May, afternoon)

2) アントレ編集部、東京     Entrée, Tokyo   http://www.em-entree.jp/
Tel/Fax 042-378-7603   E-Mail info@em-entree.jp
古楽専門誌『アントレ』発行 Magazine “Entrée” etc.
Venue: Kofu-Shoko-Kaigisho 5 floor → Yocchabare Square (1.May, afternoon)

3) ユニバーサル (株)、東京     Universal, Tokyo  http://www.uni-music.net/
Tel 03-5980-7884    Fax 03-5980-7885   E-Mail unicorp@2f7.so-net.ne.jp
Venue: Kofu-Shoko-Kaigisho 5 floor  → Yocchabare Square (1.May, afternoon)

4) クラヴサン工房アダチ(安達正浩)、名古屋      Cembalo Workshop ADACHI, Nagoya
http://www.wa.commufa.jp/~cembalo/   Tel 052-773-8500   Fax 052-773-8519
・チェンバロ(フレンチ) Cembalo (French) (FF – f3) コンサートで使用 used by concerts
Venue: Cotton Club

5) 梅岡楽器サーヴィス、東京、神戸  Umeoka Keyboard Instruments Service, Tokyo, Kobe
http://homepage3.com/umeoka-gakki/    E-Mail umeoka-gakki@nifty.com
Tel/ Fax 03-3952-9099 (Tokyo), Tel 078-412-0775, Fax 078-412-7403 (Kobe)
・フォルテピアノ Fortepiano Five-octave Louis Dulcken(1790) model made by Thomas & Barbara Wolf (1979) with knee-operated dampers and hand stop moderator (FF – g3), A=430
コンクールで使用 provided for the competition
・チェンバロ(イタリアン) Cembalo(Italian) made by Martin Skowroneck (1980)(FF – g3) A=415/ 440
8 x 8, buff  コンクールで使用 provided for the competition
・チェンバロ(ジャーマン)  Cembalo(German) Mietke model made by Jan Kalsbeek (2000) (FF – f3)
A = 392/ 415/ 440   8 x 8 x 4, buff
Venue: Ginza Machi-no-Eki

6) オワゾリール・ハウス、大阪、東京  L’Oiseau-lyre Hause, Osaka, Tokyo http://www.loiseau-lyre.com
Tel 072-633-727 Fax 072-635-2648 (Osaka)    Tel 03-3865-1632 (Tokyo) E-Mail taeioka@loiseau-lyre.com
マーク・デュコルネ日本総代理店 Sole Japanese Agent for the Paris Workshop  Associate of M.Ducornet
・チェンバロ(フランコ・フレミッシュ) Cembalo(Franco Flemisch) Ruckers-Taskin (1646/1780) model made by
Marc Ducornet (FF – f3) A = 392/ 415/ 440 8 x 8 x 4, buff, coupler コンクールで使用 provided for the competition
・チェンバロ(フレミッシュ) Cembalo (Flemisch) I.Ruckers(1624,Colmar Museum) model made by M. Ducornet
(GG – d3) A= 392/ 415/ 440   8 x 8 x 4, buff, coupler
Venue: Ginza Machi-no-Eki
・チェンバロ(17世紀フレンチ) Cembalo (17th French) made by Atelier M.Ducornet
(GG – d3) A= 392/ 415/ 440   8 x 8, buff
Venue: Sakuraza Theater
・スピネット Spinet Dellin model (1770) made by Atelier M.Ducornet (GG – d3)  A = 415/440 1 x 8’
Venue: Sakuraza Theater
・カデット(小チェンバロ) Petit Clavecin made by Atelier M.Ducornet (GG – d3)  1 x 8’
Venue: Sakuraza Theater
・フレッティド・クラヴィコード Fretted Clavichord C.G.Hubert, Ansbach(1784) model made by M.Ducornet
(C – d3)
Venue: Sakuraza Theater
・フレッティド・クラヴィコード・キット Fretted Clavichord kit by Paris Workshop, TPW made by L’Oiseau-Lyre House (C- d3)
Venue: Sakuraza Theater

7) ギタルラ社東京古典楽器センター(株)、東京 Casa de la Guitarra, Tokyo  http://www.guitarra.co.jp
・チェンバロ(ジャーマン)   Cembalo(German) Mietke(1702/4) model made by Bruce Kennedy (FF –f3)
A= 392/ 415/ 440   8 x 8 x 4, buff コンクールで使用 provided for the competition
・チェンバロ(フレンチ) Cembalo(French) Goujon model made by Guitarra (FF – f3) A= 392/ 415/ 440,
8 x 8 x 4, buff    コンクール本選現代曲で使用 provided for the competition
Venue:Ginza Machi-no-Eki
・チェンバロ(17世紀イタリアン) Cembalo (17th Italian) made by Andrew Wooderson  (C – c3)
A= 415/ 440/ 465    8 x 8
Venue: Sakuraza Theater

8) 高橋靖志、新潟  Takahashi,Yasushi, Niigata  http://www2.plala.or.jp/clavier/
・チェンバロ(イタリアン)   Cembalo(Italian) inspired by F.A.(1677) made by Takahashi ( C/E c3, 45 keys)
Venue: Sakuraza-Theater

9) 野神俊哉、山梨    NOGAMI, Toshiya,Yamanashi     http://fruits.jp/~crystal/nogami_cem/index.html
・チェンバロ(イタリアン)    Cembalo(Italian) (C – c3)   8 x 8 (2006/ repaired 2016)
Venue: Sakuraza Theater

10) ハヤシチェンバロ製作所(林 裕希)、仙台  HAYASHI Cembalo Workshop  http://www.h2.dion.ne.jp/~h-cemb/
・Cembalo(Flemisch)  I.Ruckers (1624,Colmar) model made by Hayashi(2014) (GG – e3)  A=415/ 440   8 x 8

於: 銀座街の駅    Venue: Ginza Machi-no-Eki

11) 山野辺暁彦、東京  YAMANOBE, Akihiko, Tokyo   E-Mail   rpbj64@yahoo.co.jp
・チェンバロ(大型イタリアン)  Cembalo(Italian) Iron strung Grimaldi model made by Yamanobe (2014) (GG – d3)   8 x 8
Venue: Sakuraza Theater
・クラヴィコード    Clavichord Hubert(1784) model made by Yamanobe (2016) (C –g3)
Venue: Sakuraza Theater

Exhibition :1.-3 May, 2015

1) Venue: Shoko Kaigisho Hall, Sakuraza Theater etc. Kofu-City
2) Melodical Instruments, CDs, Scores, Books, Magazanes, etc.

3) Every Participant of the Exhibition may use the Place and also demonstrate their Instruments (costfree). They may propagate their Workshops and show the Pricelist of their Instruments. The Committee of International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI makes the List of Participants with thier Address, so that Visitors can contact them afterwards

4) Who has the Intention to participate in the Exhibition, Demonstration and has Questions etc.please contact with the Chairperson of the Committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax or E-Mail by the 11.April 2015
Oguchidori 137-5, Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel/Fax (81) 45-421-0502, E-Mail eterna@nifty.com

List of participants

1) academia music Tokyo  http://www.academia-music.com/
Tel 03-3813-6751  Fax 03-3818-4634
music notes, books goods etc.

2) Entrée Tokyo http://www.em-entree.jp E-Mail info@em-entree.jp
magazine Kogaku

3) Evald Henseler Tokyo E-Mail henseler@micha.ocn.ne.jp
music notes for recorder by Japanese composers

4) Universal Tokyo http://www.uni-music.net. E-Mail unicorp@2f7.so-net.ne.jp

1) Gengakki-kohbou Armonia Kawasaki http://www.armonia-v.com/
E-Mail ebata-v@hotmail.co.jp
baroque violin, modern violin, viola da gamba, baroque bows etc.

2) Barokku-mokkan Toshokan Yokohama http://woodwind.at.webry.info
E-Mail woodwind@mte.biglobe.ne.jp
E-Library woodwind, collection of woodwind instruments, rental, repair, manufacture of woodwind instruments etc.

3) FUKUNAGA, Hitoshi Kumamoto E-Mail fuku_1013@yahoo.co.jp baroque flute

4)HOSHIKA Kobe    E-Mail hokke0964@docomo.ne.jp

5) Kogakki-Kohbou VIOL Oosaka  http://w01.tp1.jp/~a114739658/viol/     E-Mail viol@hb.tp1.jp
lute, guitar, viola da gamba, Violin etc.

6) MASHIMA, Kiyoto  Kawasaki
E-Mail k.fl.massi@tbe.t-com.ne.jp
baroque flute, recorder

7) MASUDA, Hoshun  Takarazuka
E-Mail   mskmasud@terra.dti.ne.jp

8) Michael Münkwitz Germany http://trompetenmacher.de/   E-Mail   info@trompetenmacher.de

9) NAKAGAWA, Takashi  Saitama http://flute-fruit.net/
E-Mail k0gek0ge@yahoo.co.jp
baroque flute, recorder, mouthpiece of cornett

10) Simon Polak Holland http://www.earlyflute.com/      simonpolak2@gmail.com
baroque flute

11) Michel Proulx  France  http://proulx-michel.fr/ nanabozho@orange.fr

12) SUZUKI Gakkiseisakujyo Hamamatsu  http://www.suzuki-music.co.jp/
Recorder, instruments for school

Exhibition: 2-4 May, 2014

1) Venue:Shokoh Kaigisho Hall (The Kofu Chamber of Commerce & Industry), Sakuraza Theater, Shakaikyoiku Center, Kofu etc.
Kofu-City is about 100km West of Tokyo, at the Foot of Mt. Fuji, central City of YAMANASHI Prefecture

2) Keyboard instruments, CDs, Scores, Books, Magazines etc.

3) Demonstration of Instruments will be taken place for all keyboard instruments makers (As 300th anniversary of C.P.E.Bach’s birth, mini concerts on clavichord are especially planned.Mrs. Naoko Aktagawa will try on the instruments)

Cembalo  16:00- 17:00 3.May  in Kofu-Shi Shoko Kaigisho
Clavichort  17:00-18:00 3. May  in Sakuraza Theater
Fortepiano 9:30-10:00  4. May in Kofu-Shi Shoko Kaigisho

4) Every Participant of the Exhibition may use the Place and also demonstrate their Instruments (costfree). They may propagate their Workshops and show the Pricelist of their Instruments. The Committee of International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI makes the List of Participants with thier Address, so that Visitors can contact them afterwards

5) Who has the Intention to participate in the Exhibition, Demonstration and has Questions etc.please contact with the Chairperson of the Committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax or E-Mail by the 12.April 2014

Oguchidori 137-5, Kanagawaku, Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel/Fax (81) 45-421-0502, E-Mail eterna@nifty.com

1)Academia Music  http://www.academia-music.com/
books, Notes,  Goods etc.

2) Clavecin Adachi http://www.wa.commufa.jp/~cembalo/
French Cembalo  (FF-f3)

3) Workshop Andante  TEL/FAX 0266-64-2141
Woodcraft with the Theme Music

4)Entree     http://www.em-entree.jp
Magazine Entree, CD etc.

5)Umeoka Concert Service   http://homepage3.com/umeoka-gakki/
Fortepiano after Dulcken (FF- g3)

6) Loisedau-Lyre House    http://www.loiseau-lyre.com
French after Hemsch (FF-f3)
Franco-Flemisch after Ruckers (FF-f3)
French after Blanche(FF-f3)
Spinet after Delin(GG-d3)
Small Cembalo Cadet ( GG-d3)
Fretted Clavichord  after C.G.Hubert(C-d3)
Fretted Clavichord(C-d3)

7) Guitarra   http://www.guitarra.co.jp
German after Mietke( FF-f3)
French after J.-C.Goujon ( FF-f3)
Flemisch after Ruckers

8)Takahito Shimaguchi
French (FF-f3)

9) Yasushi Takahashi    http://www2.plala.or.jp/clavier/
Fretted Clavichord in 17th century(C/E- c3)
Unfretted Clavichord after J.H.Silbermann (Nürnberg MIR 1061)(FF-f3)

10) Toshiya Nogami   http://page.freett.com/cembalo
Fortepiano after  A. Walter ca. 1790( FF-g3)

11) HAYASHI Cembalo   http://www.h2.dion.ne.jp/~h-cemb/
Italian after R.e F. Cresci in 1778 (FF-g3)

12) Akihiko Yamanobe
Italian (Iron Strong Grimaldi)  (GG- d3)
Portable Virginal  (C (withput C#)-c3)

13) Universal    http://www.uni-music.net

1) terms of exhibition:27th to 29th April, 2013

2) Venue:Shohkoh Kaigisho Hall (The Kofu Chamber of Commerce & Industry), Sakuraza Theater, Shakaikyouiku Center, Kofu etc.
Kofu-City is about 100km West of Tokyo, at the Foot of Mt. Fuji, central City of YAMANASHI Prefecture

3) Melodic Instruments, Bows, CDs, Scores, Books, Magazines etc. suitable to the Category of 26th International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI will be exhibited

4) Demonstration of Instruments will be taken place on the 27th April, evening (Juries, Prize Winners will help them to demonstrate their instruments)

5) Every Participant of the Exhibition may use the Place and also demonstrate their Instruments (costfree). They may propagate their Workshops and show the Pricelist of their Instruments. The Committee of International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI makes the List of Participants with thier Address, so that Visitors can contact them afterwards

6) Who has the Intention to participate in the Exhibition, Demonstration and has Questions etc.please contact with the Chairperson of the Committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax or E-Mail by the 12.April 2013

Oguchidori 137-5, Kanagawaku, Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel/Fax (81) 45-421-0502, E-Mail eterna@nifty.com
Kofu Shoko Kaigisho
1)Kubota Harpshichord http://mvsica.sakura.ne.jp/eki/kubota/ http://www.kubota-cembalo.com/
Flemisch cembalo used by the competition (melodic instrument)
2)NOGAMI, Toshiya
Italian cembalo used by the competiton(melodic instrument)
3)UMEOKA Service
Italian cembalo and positive organ used by the concert on the 29th April
Sakuraza Theater
1)AMANO, Haruo
Baroque clarinet,Baroque oboe,Classical oboe,Baroque flute, etc.
2)FUKUNAGA, Hitoshi E-Mail fuku_1013@yahoo.co.jp
3)MASHIMA, Kiyoto k.fl.massi@tbe.t-com.ne.jp
traverso, recorder
4)MASUDA, Hoshun mskmasud@terra.dti.ne.jp
5)NAKAGAWA, Takashi
recorder, traverso, mouthpiece of cornett
6)SUZUKI Music Instrument Company
recorder, keyboard recorde,keyboard harmonica etc.

Cotton Club
1)Loiseau-Lyre House
cembalo used by concerts on the 27th and 29th

Kofushi Shakai Kyoiku Center(1 floor)
1)Academia Music
scores, books goods etc.
2) Entree
3)Edition Offenburg Sommerhalde 15 D77656 Offenburg
http://www.edition-offenburg.com E-mail mail@edition-offenburg.com
scores made by Mihoko KIMURA
4)Henseler, Ewald
E-Mail henseler@micha.ocn.ne.jp
scores for recorder
5)KAMEI, Jin Hamiltonpark 18/1 8000 Brugge, Belgium E-Mail jin.kamei@gmail.com
Baroque violin
http://www.uni-music.net E-Mail unicorp@2f7.so-net.ne.jp

Kofushi Shakai Kyoiku Center (4 floor)
cembalo used for competition (solo vocal)
2)SATOH, Yuich
Pianoforte after Vienna style in 18th century used by the competition (solo vocal)

Exhibition of Festival of Early Music <Yamanashi>(including 25th International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI, Japan)

It is taken place on the 28th April to the 30th April 2012 in several places of Kofu-City, Yamanashi.
Main thema is “Cembalo”

1)Academia Music
http://www.academia-music.com/ scores, music books, music goods etc.
Shoko Kaigisho → Shakai Kyoiku Center
2) Anonymous
LG25@nifty.com http://kcia.moe-nifty.com
・cembalo 8′ 8′ 4′ FF ?f3 Shakai Kyoiku Center
・Clavichord FF-f3 Sakuraza Theater
3) Entree
E-Mail info@em-entree.jp
http://www.em-entree.jp Magazine Entree Sakuraza Theater
4)Umeoka Concert Service
・French Cembalo by Ryo Yoshida 8’8’4’ FF-g3
・German Cembalo after M.Mietke by J.Kalsbeek 8’8’4’ FF-f3
5)Obuchi, Akio
・Fretted Clavichord after C.G.Hubert(1784)?C-f3 Ginka → Sakuraza Theater
・Fretted Clavichord after Leipzig #3 (1540) C/E -c3 Ginka → Sakuraza Theater
6) L’Oiseau-Lyre House (Agent for the Paris Workshop Associate of Marc Ducornet)
・Franco Fremish Cembalo after Ruckers/Taskin by M.Ducornet 8’8’4’ FF-f3 Shoko kaigisho → Shakai Kyoiku Center
・French Cembalo after Hemsch by M.Ducornet 8’8’4’ FF-f3 Shakai Kyoiku Center
・Spinet after Delin by Atelier M.Ducornet 8’ GG-d3 Shakai Kyoiku Center
・Cembalo named Cadet by Atelier M.Ducornet 8’ GG-d3 Shakai Kyoiku Center
・Fretted Clavichord after C.H.Hubert(1784) by M.Ducornet 8’ C-d3 Sakuraza Theater
・Fretted Clavichord Kit by the Paris Workshop C-d3 Sakuraza Theater
・Fretted Ckavichord Kit by L’oiseau-Lyre House  C-d3 Sakuraza Theater
7) Guitarra Tokyo Koten Gakki Center
・German Cembalo after M.Mietke by Kennedy8’8’4’ FF-f3    Shakai Kyoiku Center
・French Cembalo after J.-C.Goujon(1749) by Tokyo Koten Gakki Center 8’8’4’ FF-f3

Shakai Kyoiku Center
8)Kimura, Masao
E-Mail cembaloque@wine.plala.or.jp
・French Cembalo after H.Hemsch(1756) 8’8’4’ FF-f3   Shakai Kyoiku Center
・Italian Cembalo after O.Guarratino(c.1650) 8’8’ FF-f3 Shakai Kyoiku Center
9) Kubota Workshop
・Fremish Cembalo 8’8’4’   FF-f3 Shoko Kaigisho → Shakai Kyoiku Center
・Fremish Cembalo after Ruckers 8’8’4’   GG-e3 Shakai Kyoiku Center
・Italian Spinet   GG-d3 Shakai Kyoiku Center
10)Takahashi, Yasushi
E-Mail takahashi.yasushi@clavier.m001.jp
・Italian 17th Century Cembalo    C-d3 Shoko Kaigisho → Shakai Kyouiku Center
・5Octave Fretted Clavichord  FF-f3    Ginka → Sakuraza
・Monk’s Clavichord after anonymous 17th Century Italian   C/E- c3  Ginka → Sakuraza Theater
11)Nogami, Toshiya
E-Mail cem.or.p@fruits.jp
・Italian Cembalo 8’8’C-c3 Shakai Kyoiku Center
12) Hayashi Cembalo Workshop
TEL 022-773-7055
・Italian Cembalo after R.e F.Cresci Livorno(1778) モデル 8’8’ FF- g3 Shakai Kyoiku Center
E-Mail info@bibliopoly.co.jp
http://www.bibliopoly.co.jp Facsimile, CD-Rom Sakuraza Theater
14)Yamanobe, Akihiko
TEL/FAX 042-635-3784
・Fretted Clavichord after Hubert(1784)  C-g3  A=430 Sakuraza Theater
・Continuo Virginal   C(without C#) -c3 Sakuraza Theater
E-Mail unicorp@2f7.so-net.ne.jp http://www.uni-music.net
CD Shoko Kaigisho → Shakai Kyoiku Center
・Degital Cembalo (C-30) Shakai Kyoiku Center FF-f3
・Degital Organ(C-200)  12Stop   FF- g4 Shakai Kyoiku Center
・Degital Organ (C-330)  Shakai Kyoiku Center 

xhibition of the 24th Competition for Early Music YAMANASHI, Japan

1) Terms:1st and 2nd May 2010, 10:00
2) Venue:Shohkoh Kaigisho Hall (The Kofu Chamber of Commerce & Industry)
Kofu-City is about 100km West of Tokyo, namely at the Foot of Mt. Fuji and the central City of YAMANASHI Prefecture
3) Melody Instruments, Bows, Positif Organ, CDs, Scores, Books, Magazines etc. suitable to the Category of the 24th Early Music Competition YAMANASHI will be exhibited
4) Demonstration of Instruments will be taken place
5) Every Participants of the Exhibition may use the Place of the Hall costfree and also may demonstrate their Instruments. They may propagate their Workshops and show the Pricelist of their Instruments. The Committee of the 24th Early Music Competition YAMANASHI makes the List of Participants with thier Address, so that Visitors can make contact with them afterwards
6) The Space is open for Preparation from 18:00 on the 30. April, 2010
7) Who has the Intention to participate in the Exhibition, Demonstration and has Questions etc. may make Contact with the Chairperson of the Committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax or E-Mail by the 9.April 2010

Oguchidori 137-5, Kanagawaku, Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel (81) 45-421-0502, Fax (81)45-421-0504, E-Mail eterna@nifty.com

 Participants of Exhibition of the 24th Early Music Competition <Yamanashi>
1) Anonymous(Book about tuning)
2)Amano, Haruo(Oboe, Traverso etc)
E-Mail woodwind@mte.biglobe.ne.jp
3) Entree
E-Mail info@em-entree.jp
4) Academia (Scores, Music Books, Goods etc.)
Tel 03-3813-6751 Fax 03-3818-4634
5) Bibliopoly
(CD-Rom, Facsilime Scores)
E-Mail info@bibliopoly.co.jp Fax 81-(0)48-642-0896
6) Otsuka, Norio(Gamba, Violoncello piccolo etc.)
E-Mail fossero@ybb.ne.jp
7) Guitarra (Shop of Early Music Instrument, Scores, Cembalo makers, Studio of early Music etc.)
E-Mail info@guitarra.co.jp
8) Henseler, Ewald (Scores for Recorder)
Elisabeth University of Music
E-Mail henseler@mocha.ocn.ne.jp
9)KUBOTA, Akira (Cembalo Maker)
E-Mail kubosaba@f6.dion.ne.jp
10) Kyusakari,Tetsuo (Organ Maker)
TEL/ FAX 0551-31-4100
11)Majima, Kiyoto (Traverso, Recorder)
E-Mail k/fl.massi@tbe-com.ne.jp
12) MASUDA, Hoshun (flageolet)
13)Polak, Simon (Traverso)
E- Mail simonpolak@earlyflute.com
14) Shou,Shinen (Recorder)
E-Mail treble2004@hotmail.com
15) Suzuki-Gakki (Recorder)
16) Umeoka Gakki Service (Rental of Cembalo, Organ, Pianoforte etc. and Concert Service)
17) Universal (CD)
E-Mail unicorp@zf7.so-net.ne.jp
18) Yamashita, Akihiko (Lute)
E-Mail mail@a-yamashita.co
19) Angetsu (music stand)
20) Nakagawa, Takashi (Recorder, Traverso etc.)
E-Mail kOgekOge@yahoo.co.jp

Exhibition of the 23rd Competition for Early Music YAMANASHI, Japan

1)Terms:2, 3 May 2009, 10:00-

2)Venue:Exhibition Hall in the YAMANASHI Kenmin Bunka Hall
Kotobuki-cho 21-2, Kofu-City, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan
Kofu-City is about 100km west of Tokyo, namely at the foot of Mt.Fuji and the central city of YAMANASHI Prefecture

3)Keyboard Instruments(Cembalo, Clavichord, Fortepiano, Positive Organ etc.) CD, Scores, Books, Magazines etc. suitable to the Category of the 23nd Early Music Competition YAMANASHI will be   exhibited

4)Demonstration of Instruments will be taken place on the 2nd May evening

5)Finalists of Competition (Category I: Solo (Cembalo) ) may choose instruments from those provided by the committee and those from the exhibition

6)Every participants of the exhibition may use the place of the hall costfree and also may demonstrate their instruments.They may propagate their workshops and show the pricelist of their instruments.
The committee of the “23rd Early Music Competition YAMANASHI” makes the lists of participants with their address, so that visitors can make contact with them afterwards.

7)The space is open for preparation from 13:00 on 1st. May, 2009.

8)Who has the intention to participate in the exhibition, and has question etc. may make contact with the chairperson of the committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax, or E-Mail by the end of March 2009.
Oguchidori 137-5, Kanagawaku, Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel (81)45-421-0502, Fax (81)45-421-0504, E-Mail eterna@nifty.com

Participants of Exhibition of the 23rd Early Music Competition <Yamanashi>
1) Entree(Magazine Entree for Early Music)
2)Academia (Scores, Music Books, Goods etc.)
TEL 03-3813-6751 FAX 03-3818-4634
3) Ishii,. Masaru (Rental of Positiv Organ(by Van der Futten)
TEL/FAX 03-5984-0880
4) Itoh, Fukuichi(Cembalo Maker)
TEL 0436-95-5880
Cembalo, Virginal, Clavichord
5) Umeoka Service of Instruments (Cembalo, Organ, Pianoforte etc)
TEL/FAX 03-3952-9099
TEL 078-412-0775, FAX 078-412-7403
http://homepage3.nifty.com/umeoka-gakki/ http://umeokagakki.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/
6) L’Oiseau-Lyre House(Agency of Atelier Marc Ducornet in Japan)
TEL 072-633-7276 FAX 072-635-2648
TEL 03-3865-1632
7) Guitarra(Cembalo Maker, Shop of Early Music Instruments, Workshop of Early Music, Scores, Books etc.)
TEL 03-3952-5515 FAX 03-3952-5516
8) Kubota, Akira (Cembalo Maker)
TEL 048-479-2148, FAX 048-479-2153
9) Kimura, Masao (Cembalo Maker)
TEL 0224-87-2128, FAX 0224-87-2001
10) Kusakari, Tetsuo (Organ Maker)
TEL/FAX 0551-36-4100
11)Costaltrading (Agency of Bizzi Cembalo))
TEL/FAX 0467-58-2348
12) Takahashi, Yasushi(Cembalo, Clavichord Maker)
TEL 0256-47-2070
13) Torii, Masato(Cembalo)
14) Ishiguro, Takeo (Cembalo Maker, Rental etc.)
TEL 03-3981-7050 FAX 03-3981-7063, E-Mail chouette@a.toshima.ne.jp
15) Nogami, Toshiya (Cembalo, Organ, Pianoforte Maker)
TEL 0553-35-3290
16) Bibliopoly(CD-Rom, Facsimile Scores)
TEL 048-642-0933 FAX -48-642-0896
17)Universal(CD Shop)
TEL 03-5840-9794 FAX 03-5840-9795
18)Yokota, Seizo(Cembalo Maker)
TEL/FAX 0493-56-2715

Participants of Exhibition of the 22nd Early Music Competition
Magazine Entree for Early Music
2) Academia Music (Japan)
Scores, Books about music etc.
3) Pieter Affourtit(The Netherlands)
4) Umeoka Concert Service(Japan)
Cembalo made by Ryo Yoshida, byA. Anselm, by M. Skowroneck
5) Obuchi,Masao(Japan)
6) Ohtsuka, Norio(Japan)
Viola da Gamba,Baroque Violine, Baroque Viola, Baroque Cello
7) Guitarra (Japan)
Concert Service with Cembalo by B.Kennedy
8) Kusakari, Tetsuo(Japan)
Positif Organ
9) Kubota, Akira(Japan)
10) Coastaltrading(Japan)
Baroque Trumpet、Electric Cembalo、Gut strings, Bows etc.
11) Suziki Music Instruments Maker(Japan)
Recorder etc.
12) Daniel Deitch-Baroque Flutes-(USA)
2607 Clement Street San Francisco, CA 94121 USA  TEL/FAX 415-221-2735
13) Nakagawa, Takashi (Japan)
Traverso, Mouthpiece of Cornett
14)Dmitry Badiarov(Japan)
Barock/ Violine, Violoncello da Splla, Bows
15)Bibliopoly (Japan)
Facsimile, CD-ROM
16)Peter Huetmannsberger(Austria)
Viola da Gamba
17)Simon Polak(The Netherlands)
18) Masuda, Houshun(Japan)
Birdflageolet, Kleine Kleine Blockfloete
19) Majima, Kiyoto(Japan)
20)Michael Muenkwitz(Germany)
Baroque Trumpet
21)Universal (Japan)

The 21st Competition for Early Music YAMANASHI, Japan
1)Terms:21.22. April 2007. 10:00-

2)Venue:Exhibition Hall in the YAMANASHI Kenmin Bunka Hall
Kotobuki-cho 21-1, Kofu-City, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan
Tel (81)55-228-9131
Kofu-City is about 100km west of Tokyo, namely at the foot of Mt. Fuji and the central city of YAMANASHI Prefecture.

3)keyboard Instruments(Cembalo, Clavichord, Positif Organ etc.), Books, Magazines, CD. etc., suitable to the category of the 21th Early Music Competition YAMANASHI will be exhibited

4)Demonstration of Instruments will be taken place on 21th. April afternoon 2007.

5)Finalists of both categories may select their keyboard instruments from those provided by committee and those from the exhibition.

6)Every participants of the exhibition may use the place of the hall costfree and also may demonstrate their instruments. They may propagate their workshops and show the pricelist of their instruments. The committee of the “21th Early Music Competition YAMANASHI”makes the list of participants with their address, so that visitors can take a contact with them afterwards.

7)The space is open for preparation from 13:00 on 20th. April 2007.

8)Who have the intention to participate in the exhibition, and have question etc. may take contact with the chairperson of the committee, Tsuneko ARAKAWA by letter, fax or E-Mail by the end of March 2007.
Oguchidori 137-5, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel (81)-45-421-0502, Fax (81)-45-421-0504, E-Mail eterna@nifty.com

Participant of the exhibition (the 20th Early Music Competition)
・Daniel Deitch Historical Woodwinds Workshop (USA) Baroque Flute, Early Clarinet, Chalumeaux, Baroque Bassoons, Fagottino (http://www.danieldeitch.com)
・Sand Dalton(USA)Baroque &Classical Oboe (http://www.baroqueoboes.com)
・Peter Huetmannsberger(Austria)Viola da gamba, Lirone, Bariton (http://www.violadagamba.at)
・Michael Muenkwitz(Germany)Natural Trumpet(http://www.trumpetmaker)
・Simon Polak(The Netherlands)Baroque Flute(http://www/earlyflute.com)
・Nakagawa,Takashi(Japan) Recorder, Woodinstruments
・Suzuki Instruments(Japan)Recorder, Woodinstruments
・Ishii,Ken(Japan) Positif Organ(Rental Service)
・Masuda, Toyoharu(Japan) Bird flageolet
・Bibliophony(Japan) CD-ROM
・Ohtuska, Norio (Japan) Viola da Gamba, Baroque Violin
・Yamashita, Akihiko (Japan) Lute
・Hirayama, Teruaki (Japan) Viola da Gamba, Lute, Spinet etc.(http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/~kogakki/)
・Obuchi, Akio(Japan) Violin Bow
・Katoh, Masami (Japan) Viola da Gamba
・Takeyama, Hiroyuki (Japan) Recorder
・Tanaka, Kiyoto (Japan) Baroque Guitar, Guitar 19 century type
・Academia (Japan) Notes, Books, etc.
・Universal (Japan) CD
・Entree (Japan) Magazine
・Amano,Haruo(Japan) Flute, Clarinet (http://woodwind.at.webry.info/200604/article_6.html)

International Competition for Early Music